PODCAST: Deconstructing Feminism: Yasmin Nair on White Feminism, Part I

Episode Twenty-Three is the first in a new series with writer and activist Yasmin Nair, about contemporary feminist books. We begin the series with an examination of two recent titles: Kyla Schuller’s The Trouble With White Women, and Rafia Zakaria’s Against White Feminism. While Schuller’s and Zakaria’s common call for the dismantling of White feminism is, as Nair states, “interesting and necessary,” each of these books also contains its own distinct set of pitfalls, a closer analysis of which sheds light on the complicated and troubling issues arising at the intersection of modern-day American feminism, antiracism, academia, and publishing.
For more background on the history Whiteness studies, see Cedric Johnson’s essay, “The Wages of Roediger.” Listen to the podcast here.