Did local officials get the COP26 Climate Memos?
By Dick Platkin If you can pull yourself away from the daily concerns of many city dwellers, such as traffic jams and Amazon package...
Call for Submissions from Progressive City: Planning for Community Economic Development
The COVID pandemic has highlighted and aggravated the precarious nature of work and the social-spatial inequities of service and public...
Advocating for Equitable Street Vending Policies
By Lacey Sigmon "Vendor" [Midtown Manhattan] by Dave Doe. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 Street vending is an essential type of street commerce...
Review: Street Commerce: Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks
By Lacey Sigmon Street Commerce: Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks Andres Sevtsuk University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020 296 pages | 7 x...
Though Everyone is a Planner Some are More Planners than Others
By Barbara Rahder FCIP Hans Blumenfeld (October 1892 – January 1988) was a planner, architect, and professor, who worked in Europe, the...
Let's Shed a Light on the City: Places of Hope in the Time of the Pandemic
By Mohammadmahdi Zanjanian Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the face of cities has changed dramatically. Hidden smiles behind masks, anxious...
PODCAST: Mindy Thompson Fullilove on Main Street as a 21st-Century Machine for Living
In Episode Twenty, Allison speaks with author and social psychiatrist Mindy Thompson Fullilove, about her book Main Street: How a City’s...
Boda Bodas for the US?
By Steven Polunsky The following piece is part of Progressive City's Planning for Just Transport series. Transport is fundamental to our...
Just Transportation through Transformative Planning: Another World is Possible
By Diana Benitez The following piece is part of Progressive City's Planning for Just Transport series. Transport is fundamental to our...
Reclaiming streets from cars: towards a fairer road space distribution in Latin America
By Giovanni Vecchio, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, and Rodrigo Mora The following piece is part of Progressive City's Planning for Just...